Cohiba Havana Cuba Club - 20 Cigars
Please note, this is old stock.
The Cuban Cohiba brand of cigars, established in 1968, is regarded as one of the best cigar brands in the world producing some of the highest quality cigars from the highest quality tobacco. The name Cohiba comes from the Taino (pre-Columbian inhabitants of the Bahamas) word meaning tobacco and true to the word the cigars are just tobacco. The Tobacco used in Cohiba club cigars is from the Vuelta Abajo region of Cuba which has gone through an extra fermentation process unique to Cohiba which gives them that smooth and distinctive taste.
Machine rolled in Cuba. The leaves used for the tobacco are taken from the same plants which are harvested for world famous premium hand made Havana cigars. These plants are grown in the Vuelta Abajo region in Cuba, an area located west of the island, which is widely regarded as the finest tobacco growing land in the world. Cohiba Club cigars are ideal for both the novice and the more experienced cigar smoker. The perfect small cigarillo, enjoy as an aperitif or a short smoke.
Each box contains 20 mini machine made Cuban cigars.
Brand | Cohiba |
Product Barcode | 8500001541233 |