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About the game

The aliens that you face are legion, remorseless, and terrifying. You'll need more than a fancy boiler and steam weapons to accomplish your goals: you'll need a solid plan and a thoughtful, tactical mind.

Some missions will throw you together with other agents, but once you build a deep enough roster you'll be able to pick your own team. Examine each agent's unique skills and strengths, then create groups that suit your mission objectives.

Choose your weapons wisely

Each agent has a primary weapon that he or she is especially adept at using, and a secondary weapon that can be selected. Pick a secondary weapon and boiler to balance your agent's battlefield versatility.

For each battle, agents will start at set locations. As you move around the environment, look for objects that hide you from alien sight lines and for rewards like medals and gear. Scout for routes that will keep your team safe and meet your mission objectives. The best path may not be the most obvious path.

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