Tanqueray London Dry Gin 1L
ABOUT - Tanqueray London Dry is a perfectly balanced gin, delivering the ideal combination of classic gin botanicals. This best-selling gin was created by Charles Tanqueray in 1830 and is still made according to the original timeless recipe. TASTING NOTES - Tanqueray London Dry Gin is crafted from a combination of carefully hand-selected botanicals: refreshing juniper, peppery coriander, aromatic angelica and sweet liquorice. This perfect blend makes it aromatic and refreshing. HOW TO ENJOY - This spirit is best enjoyed in a classic G&T, in a large gin glass with tonic water, plenty of ice and a lime wedge. AWARDS - Tanqueray London Dry Gin has been the recipient of numerous awards. It is renowned and loved the world over and has won the accolade of Best-Selling Gin several times. PERFECT FOR GIFTING - The ideal gin gift for all those who appreciate this classic and timeless spirit. Tanqueray London Dry Gin was created by brand founder Charles Tanqueray in 1830 Tanqueray London Dry is a perfectly balanced gin, delivering the ideal combination of four classic gin botanicals: refreshing juniper, peppery coriander, aromatic angelica and sweet liquorice. Created by Charles Tanqueray in 1830, Tanqueray London Dry Gin is still made according to the original timeless recipe. This award-winning and iconic spirit, distilled four times, is best enjoyed with a premium tonic water of your choice, plenty of ice and a wedge of lime, although it also makes a great base for a variety of cocktails. Timeless classic Charles Tanqueray perfected his London Dry Gin over 190 years ago, and the recipe remains the same timeless classic today. Tanqueray’s iconic bottle shape is inspired by a three-part cocktail shaker Ingredients GIN Manufacturer 16 Great Marlborough Street, London, W1F 7HS Country of Origin Country of origin: United Kingdom Packaging Bottle Alcohol Alcohol by volume: 47.3% Serving suggestion: Aroma: Angelica, coriander, juniper. Flavour notes: Angelica, coriander, liquorice, juniper. Herbal and fresh. Alcoholic content: 1.18 units Storage Dry
Tanqueray London Dry Gin 1LSpecial Price £23.99 Regular Price £28.99
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